[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
import pygame
import time
import random
# 初始化 Pygame
# 定义颜色
white = (255, 255, 255)
yellow = (255, 255, 102)
black = (0, 0, 0)
red = (213, 50, 80)
green = (0, 255, 0)
blue = (50, 153, 213)
# 获取屏幕的宽度和高度,实现全屏
infoObject = pygame.display.Info()
dis_width = infoObject.current_w
dis_height = infoObject.current_h
# 创建全屏游戏窗口
dis = pygame.display.set_mode((dis_width, dis_height), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
# 控制游戏帧率
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# 蛇的每个方块的大小
snake_block = 10
# 增大食物的大小
food_block = 20
snake_speed = 15
# 定义字体样式
font_style = pygame.font.SysFont("bahnschrift", 25)
score_font = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsansms", 35)
def Your_score(score):
value = score_font.render("你的分数: " + str(score), True, yellow)
dis.blit(value, [0, 0])
def our_snake(snake_block, snake_list):
for x in snake_list:
# 将蛇的颜色改为红色
pygame.draw.rect(dis, red, [x[0], x[1], snake_block, snake_block])
def message(msg, color):
mesg = font_style.render(msg, True, color)
dis.blit(mesg, [dis_width / 6, dis_height / 3])
def gameLoop():
game_over = False
game_close = False
# 蛇的初始位置
x1 = dis_width / 2
y1 = dis_height / 2
# 蛇每次移动的距离
x1_change = 0
y1_change = 0
# 存储蛇的身体坐标
snake_List = []
Length_of_snake = 1
# 食物的随机位置
foodx = round(random.randrange(0, dis_width - food_block) / 10.0) * 10.0
foody = round(random.randrange(0, dis_height - food_block) / 10.0) * 10.0
while not game_over:
while game_close == True:
message("你输了!按 Q-退出 或 C-重新开始", red)
Your_score(Length_of_snake - 1)
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_q:
game_over = True
game_close = False
if event.key == pygame.K_c:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
game_over = True
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
x1_change = -snake_block
y1_change = 0
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
x1_change = snake_block
y1_change = 0
elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
y1_change = -snake_block
x1_change = 0
elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
y1_change = snake_block
x1_change = 0
# 按 ESC 键退出全屏
elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
game_over = True
# 判断蛇是否撞到边界
if x1 >= dis_width or x1 < 0 or y1 >= dis_height or y1 < 0:
game_close = True
x1 += x1_change
y1 += y1_change
# 绘制增大后的食物
pygame.draw.rect(dis, green, [foodx, foody, food_block, food_block])
snake_Head = []
if len(snake_List) > Length_of_snake:
del snake_List[0]
# 判断蛇是否撞到自己
for x in snake_List[:-1]:
if x == snake_Head:
game_close = True
our_snake(snake_block, snake_List)
Your_score(Length_of_snake - 1)
# 判断蛇是否吃到食物
if (x1 < foodx + food_block and
x1 + snake_block > foodx and
y1 < foody + food_block and
y1 + snake_block > foody):
foodx = round(random.randrange(
0, dis_width - food_block) / 10.0) * 10.0
foody = round(random.randrange(
0, dis_height - food_block) / 10.0) * 10.0
# 每吃一个食物,蛇身体增长 100 长度(这里是 10 个方块,因为每个方块长度为 10)
Length_of_snake += 100